Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mineral Springs-Healing Water From the Earth

Recently I discovered the best drinking water there is on the face of the planet! While doing some research on ways one can detoxify the body, I went into a direction that caused me to look closely at how water can quickly and safely eliminate many toxins from the body. I became obsessed with finding water that was pure enough to cleanse and also provide nourishment back into the tissues after the detoxification process is complete.

At first I looked at the water sold in retail stores claiming to be pure, natural and spring water. Many of these companies print all sort of information on their bottles trying to urge the consumer to buy their wonderful product. Then I started thinking-how do I know what is really in this water? Days later and after looking into the matter further, I learned that many of the companies that sell this type of water simply do not live up to what they print on their labels. In short we are very likely not drinking the purest water at all. Many of the leading companies do not use proper filtering technology and even put more dangerous toxins in their finished product.

Something told me that somewhere there exists water that was healthy and pure and I found the water I was looking for!. If you want to find the best water there is to drink all you have to do is go to natural mineral spring. America has an abundant amount of natural springs located across the lower 50 states. The water is clean, crisp and filled with minerals that the body thrives on. Drinking water that has been captured from the earth has many of the vital nutrients we need to survive. Not only are you hydrating your body daily (which we all need on a regular basis) you are also feeding your organs with minerals that we cannot get through the food we eat.

I am not alone in my observations of what mineral water can do for the body. Hundreds of years ago the American Indians drank the water from natural mineral springs and believed in its healing power for just about any physical and mental ailment. These early Americans were wise beyond their years, realizing the health benefits of mineral spring water and they utilized it in every part of their daily lives. The minerals that are found in the water are essential to our organs and overall health. Below is list of minerals that are found in the water:
                                                          Parts Per 1,000,000 
  • Silica                                       24.4                                        
  • Chlorine                                    7.1                                            
  • Sulphur Trioxide                     24.0                                         
  • Carbon Dioxide                       62.0                                         
  • Sodium Oxide                          21.4                                         
  • Potassium Oxide                        4.0                                           
  • Lime                                         28.8                                         
  • Magnesia                                    5.5                                       
  • Alumina                                    trace                                       
  • Febric Oxide                               5.2                                         
  • Manganous Oxide                        .01                                         
  • Phosphoric Acid                       trace                                        
For those persons who are on prescription medications you should always consult your medical provider and let them know of the properties that are contained in the water to safeguard from any adverse affects.

The minerals found in the water decrease inflammation and aid in digestion-two of the most powerful healing therapies the body can receive. Inflammation is the leading case of all disease and when you eliminate inflammation in the body you can dramatically improve ones health-naturally. A steady diet of mineral water can improve your overall health almost immediately. Any water from a mineral spring will have pretty much the same minerals with the above posted levels of each mineral in it.

Wherever you live you owe it yourself to take time and find out what mineral springs are located near to you. The water can be captured in plastic cartons, jugs or any sterilized container you may have. When you first get the water it will have a strong smell because of the sulphur content but that smell completely goes away after 24-30 hour period. You can drink the water immediately-even before the smell subsides. To find a mineral spring near you go to The people who created this wonderful site are committed to helping others locate springs across the country.

I now actually look forward to drinking water again and am beginning to feel the benefits on many levels. This is the water I plan to drink from now on and urge everyone to find a spring and drink from the earth. To your good health!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We Come From The Earth-Therefore The Earth Can Sustain Us

Everyone and everything comes from the earth-therefore the earth can sustain us! The body is a complex vessel that is capable of healing itself. Both of these statements form the basis from which I do my research in natural health and acquire knowledge to share with you the reader.

In 2006, I retired after working for 25 years and then began my fascinating journey as a natural health researcher. Little did I know how much this field was going to change my life and the people I care about for the better. Like other Americans I too had been raised on western medicine (my father was a dentist for over 40 years) however from an early age both my parents instilled in me the desire to obtain knowledge, question everything and always seek the truth. Those lessons served me well throughout my life- giving me the ability to do this research.

Humans are strongest when they are close to the earth. Since the beginning of humankind, we have evolved dramatically both physically and emotionally. Societies also created systems which produced science, education, technology, material goods and services. As humankind progressed over the centuries, we began to move away from the earth and our existence became more and more predicated on man made substances. Research shows that the more our bodies are exposed to toxins the more we are in danger.

To better understand this concept all we have to do is look at people who reside in places around the globe who still live off of the earth. These are people who do not take any form of pharmaceutical drugs, eat processed foods or are exposed to dangerous pollutants in their breathing space and not privy to technology. Their rate of disease and illness is far less than those of people who eat process foods or are surrounded by toxins in the environment. Quite simply they live better and healthier lives! Somewhere along the way many of us left the notion of "living off the land" and have opted to fill our lives with substances that are counter-productive to what our bodies need to be strong and healthy.

Living in America today, I am on a constant mission to be aware of harmful elements that surround me and I urge you to become more enlightened to the forces that can do damage to your body. In many ways the various new technologies that we have invented and eagerly embraced are the very ones that are doing the most damage to our bodies. The task to change the way we live is not easy and I am not a proponent of completely changing ones lifestyle. One way to view the issue and a possible solution could be the old saying “everything in moderation”.

We have indeed moved away from the earth and the many nourishment's it can provides us. Much of the world’s population now demands a lifestyle that is fast paced and on the edge. The warning signs have been there for some time-we just somehow refuse to listen.  The good news for all of us is it's never too late to act and begin to reach back to the earth and reclaim our health and well being. Always remember we come from the earth-therefore the earth can sustain us for life.  To your good health!